On a regular basis, Denis Mouralis gives conferences and takes part in seminars, in France and abroad. Recent communications include:
- “Intelligence artificielle et MARD” (Artificial Intelligence and ADR), conference organised by the French Polytechnic School on Ethics and Artifical Intelligence, Massy-Palaiseau (France), 12 April 2018
- “LegalTech, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: A Revolution in the Making for Arbitration?”, workshop organised by the Center of Mediation and Arbitratioon of Paris, Paris Arbitration Week, Paris, 11 April 2018
- “La médiation en matière civile: présentation Générale” (Mediation of Civil Disputes: General Presentation), conference organised by the association of experts of the Nîmes Court of Appeal, Saint Hilaire de Brethmas, 30 March 2018
- “Arbitration in a Digital World”, Option Droit et Finances: 4th Arbitration and Litigation Meeting, Paris, 30 January 2018
- “The Law Applicable to the Substance of the Dispute”, CRCICA Conference Celebrating UNCITRAL 50th Anniversary: Global Inclusion and Dispute Resolution, Cairo, Egypt, 9-10 December 2017
- “The notion of Investor”, European Court of Arbitration 11th Med-Mid Event, Milan (Italy), 6-7 November 2017
- “French Law of Arbitration Compared with the Draft Libyan Arbitration Act”, First International Conference on Arbitration in Libya, ALECSO, Tunis (Tunisia), 2 November 2017
- Workshop organized by the Versailles Court of Appeal and DANTE research center (Versailles University), discussion with members of the Court about commentaries of their decisions published by members of the center, Versailles, France, 22 June 2017
- “International Investment Law at a Crossroad”, conference to students and academics of Zhongnan University of Economic and Law, Wuhan, (China), 9 June 2017, 1.5 hour
- “French Law of International Arbitration: The Pursuit of Freedom, Efficiency and Competitiveness”, conference to students and academics of Wuhan University School of Law, Wuhan (China), 8 June 2017, 1.5 hour
- “Arbitrage et procédures collectives” (Arbitration and Insolvency Proceedings), presentation during the conference organized on Complex Insolvency Proceedings, by the Center for Economic Law in Aix-en-Provence, 2 December 2016
- “Arbitration in France and Experience of the Centre of Mediation and Arbitration of Paris”, International Arbitration Forum, Sfax (Tunisia), 5 May 2016
- “International Arbitration and Foreign Investments”, seminar organised in Sousse (Tunisia) by Tunis Arbitration Chamber, UNCITRAL, Aix Marseille University, on 14-15 April 2016, about Arab States in International Arbitration: Current Questions
- “Small and Middle Size Businesses Confronted to the Choice of the Law Applicable to their International Contracts: What Questions? Which Suggestions?”, seminar of Aix-Marseille University LL.M in Comparative Law, 21 April 2016
- “Arbitration in the Mediterranean Area”, Mediterranean Arbitration Forum, Finances et Conseil Méditerranée, Marseille, 12 November 2015
- “Cost and Financing of Arbitration”, Franco-Moroccan Arbitration and Mediation Workshop, Finances Conseil Méditerranée Network, Casablanca (Morocco), 15 May 2015
- “Competitiveness of French International Arbitration Law”, seminar of Aix-Marseille University, LL.M in comparative law, 17 April 2015
- “Gathering Evidence Before an Arbitration”, International Arbitration Congress, organized by the Barcelona Bar Association, Barcelona (Spain), 17 October 2014
- Conclusive Report, seminar organized by the University of Toulouse-Capitole, on 7 November 2013, about Theory and Practice of Arbitration
- Masaryk University of Brno (Czech Republic), Conference on applicable law in international arbitration, April 2005
LL.M, University of Sfax (Tunisia), 2014: 20-hour seminar on international arbitration (in French)
LL.M of business law, first year, Private University of Ouagadougou, international economic law, 30h, 2015
Specialised Diploma in Arbitration (on-line courses), University of Montpellier, since 2014 (in French):
University of Versailles, LL.M on Arbitration and International Trade (in French):
University of Versailles, LL.M of Private Law (in French):
University of Avignon, LL.M of Contract Law (in French):
Preparation to the Bar School Entrance Examination (in French):
Aix-Marseille University, LL.M of Civil Procedure and Civil Enforcement Procedure: 20-hour seminar on the ethics of professions involved in the judiciary (judges, public attorneys, attorneys and bailiffs), since 2014 (in French)