Arbitration and Disputes Resolution


Denis Mouralis has a strong experience in arbitration and disputes resolution. He regularly serves as arbitrator or counsel in domestic and international arbitrations. He also acts as consultant for law firms or in-house counsels involved in complex disputes, helping them devise the best strategy and solve questions about civil and commercial proceedings. He is the counsel of the Center of Mediation and Arbitration of Paris (CMAP).


Appointing Denis as Arbitrator


If you need to appoint an arbitrator, you may consider choosing Denis. He is used to dealing with complex business disputes, especially in international contracts, distribution, franchise, shipping, construction of ships, sale and consultancy for major infrastructure projects. He can act as co-arbitrator, presiding arbitrator or sole arbitrator.


Denis only accepts to act as an arbitrator if he can be totally independant and impartial. He is careful to avoid any conflict of interests and fulfills rigorously his duty of disclosure. In dealing with a case, he makes sure to be very thorough and to understand perfectly the questions at stake.


Denis is enlisted as an arbitrator by the following institutions:

French Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

- Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA)

- Vienna International Arbitration Center (VIAC)

- Paris International Arbitration Chamber (CAIP)

- Mediation and Arbitration Center of the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce (Paris)

- Barcelona Arbitral Tribunal (TAB)

- Casablanca Mediation and Arbitration Centre

- Institut euroméditerranéen d’arbitrage (Nice)

- Chambre d’arbitrage Toulouse-Midi Pyrénées


Nevertheless, Denis can be appointed in arbitrations administered by other centers, since most of them do not require the parties to appoint only arbitrators they have enlisted.

Hiring Denis as Counsel


If you need a counsel in an arbitration, you may also consider choosing Denis. He is used to domestic and international arbitral proceedings, and has strong advocacy skills. He is experienced in memoranda drafting, oral pleadings and witness examination. For complex cases, Denis can easily gather a team of skilled lawyers to act as his co-counsels.


Denis can be main counsel but he can also help your law firm or legal team if you are involved in an arbitration and are not familiar with this form of dispute adjudication. The nature of this help is very flexible, depending on your needs.

Hiring Denis as Consultant


More generally, when crucial choices have to be made, Denis is available to assist lawyers and in-house counsels in devising and implementing their litigation strategies, before state courts or arbitral tribunal, both in international and domestic disputes.


In particular, Denis can help in proceedings aiming at setting aside or enforcing an award in France or other countries.


In addition, Denis has extensive knowledge of French civil procedure rules and practices, and EU and French insolvency law. He can be consulted on any questions related to these matters, especially problems related to civil and commercial proceedings before state courts.